Sunday, March 22, 2015

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual world creates a community that is different from the real world. Avatars in the virtual world can play games, ride horses, etc. It is a simpler representation of reality. 
Virtual worlds have both pros and cons. Because users are in a virtual world, they can do anything they want, without being "judged". They have an identity online that may be different than how they are in real life. For example, in the article " I've Been to That Club, Just Not in Real Life", in the internet based social network, VLES, users can strike up a conversation with a random avatar in the game. This happens inside the virtual world and not so often in real life ( Itzkoff 2008). This is beneficial for those who are not as social in real life and the internet allows them to speak in a more comfortable setting.Aside from this, people are also able to do things that they can't do in real life. For example, according to the article " 'Naughty Auties' battle Autism with virtual interaction", people with autism syndrome was able to create a community in virtual world and interact in ways that they could not in real life ( 
As for pros, the article  " I've Been to That Club, Just Not in Real Life" mentions that the virtual world takes away the meaningfulness of establishments in real life. If a club can be depicted in the virtual world, what is the point of having an actual establishment, If anyone can experience it in the virtual world? Virtual worlds are too simple and it will not give us the actual experience that we can find in the real world. ( Itzkoff 2008). 
Despite the simple representation of real life, virtual worlds foster creativity through its avatars and environment. Users can choose their own outfits and alot of character customization goes on. Because we are in a virtual world we use our creativity to guide us to do things inside the game that we would not do in real life. 

I think that the future of virtual worlds is endless. Because technology is advancing, the virtual world can also become more advanced with more functions. I've read books in past about people entering into a virtual world and being the actual avatar. I don't think this can happen, but with technology that is advancing, it is hard to say. I think it will become more and more popular because there are so many users who use the internet and there are lots of people who are immersed into video games. 

"IReport: 'Naughty Auties' Battle Autism with Virtual Interaction." CNN. Cable News Network, 28 Mar. 2008. Web. 22 Mar. 2015. <>.

Itzkoff, Dave. "I’ve Been in That Club, Just Not in Real Life." The New York Times. The New York Times, 05 Jan. 2008. Web. 19 Mar. 2015. <>.

1 comment:

  1. You made a great point about how creativity is fostered through the use of virtual worlds. It gives anyone the freedom to do things they might not necessarily do in real life.
